A Speck of Sand

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if you were a speck of sand? Imagine you are just one grain of sand lying on the beach near the sea, basking in the warmth of the sun by day and the coolness at night.  The ebb and flow of the sea washing over you to cleanse you from the activities of the day.  Then one day the sea’s waters pick you up and brings you into the ocean to be fully engulfed in the refreshing waters.  You are completely immersed and surrounded by the beauty of the ocean’s creatures and life. The currents of the sea move you ever so gently to a new home and deposit you on another shore far away from your previous settlement on the beach.  You are but one speck of sand on the new seashore, being part of a new experience with a gazillion other specks of sand. Would you feel comfortable and accepted in that new environment?

And what if you were a speck of sand swept out to sea and sucked into the oyster lying on the ocean floor?  You now reside inside the oyster’s shell for it to build layers of material upon you to ease the irritation you are causing the oyster.  Then one day, years later, the oyster is harvested and pried open to reveal you now as a beautiful pearl, radiating a new value to the one who found you.  No longer a worthless, irritating speck of sand, but now a marvelous gem of great value. Would you feel rewarded and now cherished for your transformation?

What if you were that speck of sand in your brother’s or sister’s eye that you saw and wanted to help remove that speck of irritation and discomfort?  But instead, he or she saw the plank in your own eye and wanted to help remove the larger irritant that was blinding you and would hinder you from helping remove the speck of sand from their eye. Would you feel humble for being part of changing someone’s perspective to focus on their flaws?

Finally, what if you were that speck of sand shoveled into the mixer with other materials to be combined and poured into the concrete mold?  Once hardened and the mold removed, you are now an essential ingredient to the corner stone being set as the key part of the foundation for the building being constructed.  Would you feel strong and powerful for being a building block to guide the construction?

All these fictional circumstances portrayed above are simply to remind us just how small and insignificant we are in the vastness of the universe and in the world as we know it.  However, we are by no means small and insignificant in the eyes of God. We are all uniquely and wonderfully made. We are His and He is our God.

The Bible says: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” [Psalms 139:17-18 New Living Translation (NLT)]

God cares about each one of His little “specks of living spirit”, as numerous as the stars in the universe and grains of sand in the desert or on the seashore.  He keeps us close to protect us in every environment.  He washes away our sins and refreshes our souls.  He turns us into valuable gems to be used in countless positive ways.  He uses us to bring strength and foundational structure to support and guide the work being done in His kingdom.

I am thankful to be a “speck of sand” in God’s eyes and used in any way He chooses to bring Him praise, honor, and glory, now and forevermore.

Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus!!

