Are We Ready to Be Free?

What does freedom really feel like after 15 months or more of restrictions on socializing, working, traveling, embracing, and worshiping? What does it mean to be free for the first time in over 15 months? How will we feel? Does being free from having to “mask up”, socially distance ourselves, and frequently washing/sanitizing our hands make you feel more free or more vulnerable?

This Memorial Day weekend, we have many people to thank for our many freedoms living as Americans in this country. This past year has been an unprecedented one compared to the years prior to 2020. We all experienced many “firsts” these past 15 months, many such firsts most of us wish we had not experienced at all. Some of us will never be able to forget some of those horrific experiences witnessed “first-hand” or viewed on our TV screens and smartphones. Perhaps time will eventually enable the harshness of the trauma to fade into a deeper part of our memory banks.

And for this Memorial Day, so it also goes for the experiences of the military veteran who witnessed first-hand their comrade-in-arms being killed right next to them, seeing the horror of war, and another soldier, sailor, airman, or marine giving their life to preserve and protect the freedom of their fellow Americans. Arlington National Cemetery alone has over 640 acres of headstones reminding us of the high price paid for preserving our freedoms, livelihoods, and American values. We honor the men and women military veterans who paid the ultimate price in their service to our country on this Memorial Day 2021. We will always remember the sacrifices they made and the suffering their families have endured over their losses. The families of the loved one killed in battle can accept the sincere gratefulness of the Nation for their loved one’s service and can rest assured they will never be forgotten.

But since this past year has been so chock full of unprecedented events, I believe it warrants expanding our Memorial Day observances this year. As many of us begin to cautiously venture out of our homes a little more, get a little closer to other people, even embrace family members, and shake hands in greeting one another once again; I believe it’s time to recognize those who have also sacrificed so much that we Americans can now enjoy a new wave of freedom. I’d like to add a few more categories of people to be honored this Memorial Day for their paying the ultimate price for Americans to remain free.

I’d like to pay homage to the men and women in the medical and health services professions who treated the most vulnerable COVID-19 patients and wound up dying from performing their mission to save other people’s lives. These professionals were in the war against an unrelenting disease that did not care what ethnicity, race, gender, occupation, age, political identity, or place in society the individual held. COVID-19 does not discriminate; it is not biased. It just infects, torments, and kills its victims without remorse. I ask that we also remember the sacrifices they made and the suffering their families have endured over their losses. As Jesus told his disciples a couple thousand years ago –

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. [John 15:13 – NIV]

Have all of these sacrifices over the previous decades, and this past year especially, really enabled us to be truly free? Does getting vaccinated, not wearing a mask, stopping social distancing, and reducing the frequency of hand washing really define what it means to be free? I don’t believe so. If all we do is return to practices of the past, then I don’t believe we will enjoy a new feeling of freedom. God has given us an opportunity to transform our lives for the better.

Moreover, it is quite ironic that so many government officials wanted to fine people and businesses for not complying with the pandemic restrictions last year, but now have reversed their policies and are trying to impose fines on people and businesses for maintaining compliance with pandemic restrictions and guidelines as the states and municipalities begin to ease such restrictions. Those still feeling vulnerable want to protect themselves a little longer because they don’t yet trust the government, but now are being ostracized if they maintain a semblance of outward protection even after being inoculated against the COVID-19 virus. Is this freedom? I don’t believe so.

There is only one way to be truly free. Through Christ, and only Christ, can we be set totally FREE!! Free to believe in His TRUTH, the only Truth in this world. To be set free, we must stop believing in the lies of this world that seek to convince us that all is well with this wicked world. Jump on the bandwagon of lies and see where that takes you. I believe you can rest assured it won’t take you to a place of peace for your heart and soul.

As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3: 17-18, Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

So this Memorial Day, let us remove the veils covering our hearts, minds, and faces, and move forward with confidence in Divine guidance as we seek God’s truth. Let us remember the sacrifices of our fellow Americans who gave their lives in service to our country, its citizens, and to all freedom loving people of the world. Let us ask God to bless our country and help us to transform our lives in service to Him and honor the memories of our loved ones to know they did not die in vain.

Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus.

