Blood – The Essential Ingredient of Life

Have you ever thought about how precious human blood is? If you are like me, the American Red Cross sends me weekly reminders that “they want my blood”, even though mine is just the common O+ type, not any of the rare ones. Nevertheless, the ARC is keen about reminding me of how many lives could be saved/sustained from just one pint of my blood.

Why is “blood” so important to life? Perhaps because it is the unique substance that constantly flows throughout our body bringing oxygen and nutrients to sustain life in our various organs, muscles, and brain, that enables us to function without having to think about the awesome physiological processes involved with every heartbeat. Blood is the essential ingredient to maintain life. In essence, life cannot exist without blood flowing throughout our body.

Jesus made it a point in His ministry to talk about how He is the essential ingredient for eternal life. He is the “divine blood” that flows throughout our lives on this side of heaven. “I am the vine, you are the branches.” Jesus told His disciples as reflected in John 15:5. “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, but apart from me you can do nothing.” Just like the blood in our body being essential for our life, Jesus was conveying to His followers that He was the essential source of their life and the means for whatever they will accomplish in their lives on earth.

But Jesus also cautioned His disciples when he said, “If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that withers and dies, cut off from the vine; which is picked up and thrown into the fire and burned.” [John 15:6]. In other words, if we deliberately disconnect ourselves from God through sin, we won’t be able to sustain our spiritual life in service to the Lord. If we continue to turn away from God and reject His love, it could lead to a permanent separation from Him for all eternity.

I don’t believe that would be a viable approach for this life, nor the next. I believe a better path would be to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and allow the “precious blood” that He shed for you on the cross, wash you from your sins and cleanse you from your iniquities. Doing so will enable you to stay connected to the “vine” and ultimately to God. As Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6]

Going forward, let’s remember the value of blood when the American Red Cross asks you for a donation to help save/sustain the life of someone else. And when you answer the ARC request, also remember to ask God to help you share the story of Jesus and the “precious blood” he shed for you with someone else too. You just might be helping to save that other person’s life for all eternity as well. Peace be with you!!

Live, Learn, Love and Grow in Jesus!!

