Jerry’s Posts


What is that feeling rolling up deep inside me? How can I describe the raw emptiness that’s clawing inside me that thirsts for relief, connection, and satisfaction? It feels like a desolate landscape where everything around me has dried up, become weathered and brittle. There is no life in this desolate region of my soul. …


What does the word “revival” mean to you? The dictionary defines the word to mean “renewal” and “restoration” of something, or an act of “reviving”. It can also pertain to bringing life back to someone or something perceived as being dead or no longer useful. A person, who suffers a heart attack or seizure, is …

Why Me?

When different events happen in our lives, expected and unexpected, good and bad, do we usually stop and ask the rhetorical question, “why me — why did this happen to me?” Do we let tragedy or disappointments push us away from God or does it draw us closer to Him? When we cannot explain why …