Daily Inspirations

Thursday – March 12, 2020

It’s Not About Me

Why did so many decades go by before I realized it’s not about Me?

Those decades spent always focused on Me;

  • What I wanted,
  • What others said about me,
  • What my opinion was about everything,
  • How I looked and what I would wear


Why did I use the mirror in my heart and soul to always reflect back to Me?

So who cared more about Me than Me? — He does.


That’s why after these many decades of lift, I’ve finally realized it’s not about Me at all;

it’s never been about Me…it’s about Him.

Him who put me on this earth to not serve Me; but for Me to serve Him.

Him who gave me His Son to be my Savior and Redeemer,

and save my soul for all eternity…it’s about Him.


So after these many decades I have pushed down and out of the way

the internal mirror that only reflected Me, back to Me.

No more “mirror, mirror on the wall of my heart and soul,

who cares about Me most of all?

NO that mirror is No More!!


My heart and soul can now see the trueness of life by caring about everyone else.

It’s no longer about me.  I give ALL of Me to Him.  It’s not about Me!!

It’s all about You, and You, and You!!

It’s all about Him and Him manifesting His love and peace; warmth and caring for others through me.


I can now truly see — the way, the truth, and the life; what He wants me to do;

where He wants Me to go, because my trust is in Him.

That’s why it’s really not about Me…It’s all about HIM.