Faith in the Storm

Defiance or Faith?

How do you react to a storm, with defiance or faith? Some people have called this the year of the “perfect storm”. What does that mean anyway? I found in my research that the term was coined several years ago to help explain weather phenomena for “how a combination of circumstances or dramatic events converge in cataclysmic timing to create a larger than usual weather event.”

And for this year in particular, by no means is this term used only for weather-related phenomena. It can also be “a particularly bad or critical state of affairs arising from a number of negative and unpredictable factors.” 2020 is the year where the confluence of several distinct, but “particularly bad or critical state of affairs” have been unleashed in rapid-fire succession as a horrendous series of events across the globe, and in particular for the United States.

Fear and trepidation about the near future are running rampant throughout our lives. Every new day seems to bring new challenges to formerly routine activities. The “Perfect Storm” of events is extracting a very high cost to our lives and livelihoods.

Calming the Storm

But for just a moment, take a respite from your current anxieties and recall the Bible story in Matthew 8: 23-27, when Jesus was sleeping in the boat on the lake. As He slept, a strong storm blew up and the disciples were afraid of drowning. In desperation, they woke Him. In exasperation Jesus said, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?

Jesus, the Son of God, was with them; they had nothing to fear. In their amazement, Jesus defied the wrath of the wind and waves, and quieted the storm. It was then when they started to learn more about whom Jesus really was. We know whom He is and that He is always with us. Like the disciples back then, with a growing faith, we too have nothing to fear, not even in this year of the “Perfect Storm”, because God is with us.

Defying Fear

As Christians, we have an opportunity to express what the disciples learned about Jesus 2,000 years ago and remain valid today. Namely, that we do not have to live in fear. We cannot afford to let fear take hold of our lives. We must let love replace fear. Using God’s love and strength, we can stand up in defiance against fear, evil, hatred and violence. We can put our faith to work by trusting in God alone. He is the one source we can always rely on.

God is also the absolute source for all Truth. We can certainly trust Him because He loves us, protects us, and provides for our every need according to His purpose. As Paul said in Romans 8:39 – “…nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Faith in God will see us through this year of the “Perfect Storm” and enable God’s goodness to prevail for the betterment of the world once this series of storms passes.

Maintaining Focus

The key to not living in fear and trepidation during this year’s storms is by not letting the events surrounding you distract you and inject doubt about your reliance on God. Stay focused on God and trust Him to care for you. Keeping your eyes and mind fixed on the Lord will remove the doubts about what may happen tomorrow or next week. Stay in the present so He can guide you and lead you to safe haven.

Recall the passage in Matthew 14: 25-32 – “… Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.  When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I, don’t be afraid.”  “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

As you see in this Scripture passage, as long a Peter was focused on Jesus, even with both of them walking on the surface of the lake, Peter had no problem. However, as soon as his mind became distracted by the events going on around him (the wind and waves), Peter’s faith weakened, fear and doubt about drowning invaded his mind. At that moment when Jesus rescued him, he realized that Jesus was the Son of God and could do all things. All Peter had to do was trust Him. Jesus was there to rescue Peter then, just like He’s here today to rescue us from the storms. We just have to put all of our faith and trust in Him.  He won’t let you down.

Staying in the Present

My question is: Wouldn’t it be better for our own hearts, minds, and souls (and sanity) if we stayed focused on God and relied on His almighty power and wisdom during this year of the “Perfect Storm”?  Staying in the present with God is much safer and more comforting than trying to second-guess what is going to happen in the future. God knows the meaning and purpose for these events taking place. Our pledge must be to commit to being steadfast and strong in our faith and let God lead the way through this Valley of Adversity.

Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus!!

