…Fear Not!!

Are you experiencing any fears right now? If you are, I’m sure you are not alone in your self-assessment considering the current state of the world. The level of upheaval we have experienced these past couple years, plus the outlook for the coming year, is enough to warrant a feeling of trepidation.

For many of us, fear has become a permeating, driving force impacting various aspects of human behavior. We have changed our ways for going to work and school, how we interact with others, and how we worship. We can also see the physical toll fear is taking on our family members, our neighbors, co-workers, and us. Fear is sapping our energy and making us retract from being able to enjoy the fullness of life. We are stressed to the limit with the hope that peace and civility will return soon.

Nevertheless, while we are waiting for the peace and civility to return, we still have to press on with the realities of life and put our hope in that life will eventually make a turn for the better. With hope there comes with it a steadfast strengthening of our faith, and most importantly, our faith in God. Hope helps to build confidence and keeps us moving one step at a time in our faith journey despite all of the hurdles and challenges ahead. With fervent hope and a strong faith in God, there is no need to fear.

In fact, instead of my hope waning from all of this recent upheaval, my level of hope is increasing right now, along with my faith in God. My level of fear is dissipating. After turning the corner this past weekend from the Thanksgiving season to the Christian Advent season in preparation for Christmas, my devotional focus has changed as well. Advent is a season of hope. The centuries of hope as depicted in the Old Testament changed a couple thousand years ago when God was preparing to send His Son to the earth. Hope for God’s people was about to be manifest.

To fulfill the hope of the people, God sent several angels to key people who would be instrumental in receiving, welcoming, and spreading the “Good News” about the birth of the Messiah to the rest of the world. “Fear not…” or “Don’t be afraid…” were key introductions to the message each angel brought to the recipient as they were delivering good news for them and the rest of the world. As the Bible says… Fear Not…I bring you good news of great joy for all the people!! Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the Lord goes with you; He will never abandon you or forsake you.

The good news of hope for all of us, we now know, is that Jesus was born to save the people of this world and offer each of us eternal salvation. Fear has lost its grip on our psyches. As He promised His disciples, Jesus is with us every moment of every day to help us, strengthen us, guide us, encourage us, provide for us, and protect us from the evil one.

So don’t let the anxieties of our daily world and its myriad of threats steal your peace this Christmas season. Use your faith to calm your fears, and then put your hope and trust in God to help see you through the challenges of today and tomorrow. Be fearless, because with God by your side, you have absolutely nothing to fear!!

May God bless you with His peace and comfort this Christmas and throughout the New Year.

My updated mantra for this season:

Fear Not, Keep Calm, Stay Confident, and Carry On…God will help You with the rest.

