God’s Direct Connection

Don’t you enjoy being able to make a direct connection to your destination when flying on a commercial airline? I certainly do. Typically, I don’t enjoy the hassle of disembarking from one aircraft, traveling through several concourses with one or more bags in my hands, finding the right gate, and then waiting a prolonged period of time to board the next plane and finally depart for the last leg of the journey. It’s tiring me out just writing about it…. whew!! I prefer to follow the most direct route to my destination, don’t you?

And what about making a phone call nowadays? When I call someone or a business, I thoroughly enjoy it when the person I’m calling actually answers the phone without me having to wait for the answering machine to finish the message or the “robo” answering service to give me the correct option number to select to reach the person I need to speak with. I sometimes lose my patience waiting to speak to someone. Give me the direct connection always!!

Despite today’s COVID-19 restrictions on maintaining social distancing, when you want to have a personal conversation with someone, don’t you prefer to have the conversation in the same room, and better yet, sitting next to that person? Face Time, Zoom meetings, etc. are all somewhat acceptable alternatives to being in person, but these methods of communication are a far cry from being physically close to the person you’re engaging with in conversation.

Do you have the same feelings about your connection with God? Do you want to be able to go directly to Him to share your thoughts and feelings, or are you afraid to approach Him directly and prefer to have various “stop overs” and indirect pathways to “send Him a message”? Are you waiting to hear the correct option number to connect with Him?

Let’s all remember that Jesus paid for this direct connection between God and mankind with His life. When Jesus died on the cross for us, it was not only to make the perfect blood payment for the sins of mankind forever, but as Scripture captured the event in Matthew 27:51, “Then behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” – symbolizing that there was no longer any barrier between mankind and God. We now had direct access to God, through His Son.

Believing in Jesus meant believing in God, the Almighty Father, as well. Having faith in the one we cannot see. From that moment 2,000 years ago through today, we still retain the capability to enjoy a personal relationship with God every day. He can be your very best “BFF” who, at any time, day or night, you can confide in, share your joys and triumphs, your disappointments and frustrations, your fears and anxieties, and your heartfelt thankfulness for all that He does for you.

But how does this connection really happen? How does it all work? Remember the Bible passage in John 14:6, “Jesus said to him. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through me.”

For just a moment, think back to the old telephone switchboards of the mid-1930s through the 1960s whereby a telephone operator had a bank of wires at a table and a bank of receptacles on a circuit board above the table that were used to make the physical connection for the transmission of the voices between the caller and the recipient? It may sound funny, but I sometimes imagine that something like that exists in heaven.

Consider that the angels are the operators at the “God Connection” system, taking the cable representing each request from a person on earth and plugging the cable into the “Jesus Circuit” to enable the two-way discussion with God. The best thing about this imaginary process is that you never have to “wait on hold”, or “get a busy signal” from the Jesus circuit. As He told His disciples before ascending into heaven; He is always available, always listening, and always ready to engage in a conversation with you.

All that said, regardless of how it really works in heaven, I certainly enjoy my direct connection with God through His Son whenever I need it. How about you? When’s the last time you’ve had a good “chat” with the Lord?

As certain as the sunrises every morning, God is present in every moment of every day to listen and talk with you – directly. Are you ready to make that call to God right now? His Son, Jesus, is waiting.

Live, Learn and Grow in Jesus!!

