God’s Healing Touch

Healing the Hurt

“LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” ~Psalm 30:2

What does it mean to be healed? Healing, repair, restore, make anew, refresh. All of these terms give some definition of healing, wouldn’t you say? And “what” gets healed; your mind, body, heart, soul, emotions, spirit or all of the above?

Healing implies that some part of us was previously injured, hurt or damaged in some way by something or someone. Was the hurt or damage through words or actions, or both? Was the hurt self-inflicted or from an outsider? Was the hurt preventable or inevitable no matter what you did?

How does the healing process take place and where does the healing process take you? In other words, does the healing process transform you into a different person, a new way of seeing your life or does it push you into an entirely new chapter of your life, never to look back?

Healing is Learning Too

Healing can also be a form of learning too. God inserted an “automatic” repair capability in our physical body for some injuries. Through the physical healing of our body, say a deep wound or cut, the body begins healing from the deepest part of the wound and moves outward to the surface until the “scab” forms, falls off and the skin is fully repaired.

In this physical repair process, in most cases, the body forms a scar from that wound. That scar becomes a type of “remembrance” of the hurtful event. Those scars can be left on our skin as well as emotionally, on our heart. Emotional or mental injuries must also heal from the inside out.

In my last blog, I talked about forgiveness and the transformational impact it has on our lives. Learning to forgive will also enable the healing process to take over and bring renewed freedom and relief to your heart and soul. Hearts, minds and souls need healing too. Over a lengthy period of time, the scar eventually fades and is almost unnoticeable from the outside on-looker. And it can also fade into our memories to be locked away from our conscience. Only rarely to be brought back in view or felt in our heart.

Where is God in the Healing Process?

But what role does God play in our healing? The stories in the Bible capture many instances of God’s healing touch both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, which typically were described as miracles. Jesus healed many people physically, mentally, and spiritually that changed and transformed the individual’s life forever. Because Jesus is the Son of God, He was able to heal bodies, cure diseases and even bring people back from the dead.

The Lord has power over the physical universe. Through these “miracles” in the physical realm, He was helping us learn who He is in the spiritual realm. Every one of these miracles had a physical result, but they can still be used to teach us about a God in Heaven who wants us to have a real relationship with Him. Through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, God revealed Himself to us.

After Pentecost, the Apostles also healed many people through the power of faith bestowed on them by the Holy Spirit. The healing touch of God is still present in our world today. There are no coincidences with God. Why or how someone deathly ill is renewed and the sickness removed without explanation, is the miraculous result of God’s healing touch being applied. We can put our faith and trust in the power of God for our eternal lives as well as our temporal ones.

Being a Witness to the Miracle

We have all heard about or actually witnessed a loved one being cured of a distressing or terminal disease. This miracle has happened in my family and I know of many in other families. Medical science cannot determine or identify the cause and effect for the cure. The doctors can only be witnesses themselves to the awesome power of God.

Unlike physicians who “practice” their medical trade and use their personal experiences or the documented anecdotal experiences of others to discern a treatment regimen, God doesn’t “practice” healing. He knows exactly what is required to heal the person physically, mentally, and spiritually to restore that person and transform them to fulfill God’s unique plan for that individual.

God is GREAT!! Pray for Him to use His awesome power to bestow healing on you, your loved ones, and this Nation. Trust Him to heal you, restore your faith and the Nation’s faith in Him.

Live, Learn and Grow in Jesus.

