God’s Wind

Several years ago while on vacation at the Outer Banks in Virginia, I decided to take a lesson in sailing. Starting out on a small sailboat, the “captain” (instructor) showed me how to sail into the wind, but still make steady progress navigating to my destination. It seemed to defy logic that you can sail into the wind, but still make forward progress.

Nevertheless, he showed me that by using a technique called tacking, I could turn the boat to a direction about 45-75 degrees off the bow in an upwind position (from where the wind was blowing) using the main sail, the boat moved quite rapidly towards the destination (making headway). Periodically, I had to “tack” to the other side of the bow, making a zigzag of navigation across the water to continue making headway (forward progress) to the destination. The wind in my face and tacking the boat across the water was exhilarating despite the challenges of keeping my eye on the course heading and not falling overboard. It felt like we were moving much faster than the 15-knot headwind off the bow as we continued upwind.

After reaching the point of our destination, the captain instructed me to turn the boat around (bear away) and navigate back to the port where we departed. Being in a downwind position now, the wind was directly behind us and pushed the sailboat at the exact speed of the wind. It felt like we were hardly moving at all and the heat of the sun that summer day was baking us with no wind in our face to keep us cool. It was only by seeing fixed objects on land that proved the boat was moving. Moving smoothly through the water, the journey back to port seemed to take forever with little excitement to experience.

Recalling that sailing lesson experience inspired me to write about God’s wind, in the form of the Holy Spirit, who is always present in our lives. Just like how we cannot see the wind, only the impacts it has on our physical world, we cannot see the Holy Spirit, but can only experience the invisible force that impacts our lives. God’s wind is the Holy Spirit that is a constant force in our lives.

When we are navigating on our life’s journey, we have to work to make progress towards our goal when we are facing many challenges in life. That working to make progress in life is analogous to “tacking” across the water with a headwind off the bow. The Holy Spirit enables us to employ this technique for changing our course a few degrees left or right (port or starboard for you sailors) to make a swifter journey through life’s challenges, but never losing sight of the true course that will allow us to arrive at our destination.

And on the inverse, God’s wind from the Holy Spirit is at our backs (downwind) at times to give us that steady, but calming influence in our journey so we never stop moving towards our goal. Like being on the sailboat with a tailwind, it can be challenging to ascertain that you are moving at all, especially if you have no landmarks to reference your progress. But rest assured, God’s wind is still there moving you along at His speed and with the Holy Spirit at the helm, using His rudder to keep you on course to your rightful destination in His kingdom.

Always remember that God is with us through it all. Remember what happened with Jesus and His disciples in the boat when the storm was raging? [Mark 4:39-40] Jesus woke up, rebuked the wind and the raging sea, “Peace, be still”, Jesus said. The storm ceased and a great calm came over them. More importantly, Jesus said to His men on the boat, “Why were you so afraid, you of little faith?” The disciples did not fully realize or understand that the Son of God was in the boat with them. He cared deeply for them; therefore no harm could come to them.

Our challenge is that we just have to “get in the boat”. Standing on the shoreline watching sail boats on the water, I never fully grasped the power of the wind and its impact on the sailboat. But if you always remain on shore, you can never understand the true force of the wind on the sails and the sailboat, along with the techniques for navigating through the water. You have to be on the sailboat to fully appreciate this sailing experience and the power of the wind.

The same goes for you making progress in life. You cannot stand on shore (on the sidelines of life) and expect to make progress towards your life’s objectives. Get in the boat and let the Holy Spirit guide you with God’s wind to make progress towards your destination, whether quickly by tacking to overcome headwind challenges or slowly, smoothly with the pleasant breeze on a downwind course.

Let us all try to remember the same when the storms of life are raging around us. We need to keep the faith and trust that God’s wind, His Holy Spirit, is always surrounding us. He cares deeply for each of us, no matter what. Just like the wind is constant, so is God’s love, guidance, protection, and daily provisions are always there to sustain us in every situation in life. Keep your faith strong to overcome the challenges of life and stay on course.

Live, Love, and Grow in Jesus!!

