Jesus and the Rollercoaster

Do you enjoy rollercoaster rides? I don’t mean that you just “tolerate” it for the sake of not showing weakness to your friends, or your children. I mean that you get really excited before, during, and even after the thrilling ride on a rollercoaster.

It’s pretty common for even the bravest riders get a little “butterflies” in their stomach in anticipation of the ride. I’m not the bravest soul, but I have enjoyed rollercoaster rides over the years. Nevertheless, I still have a little trepidation walking up the entrance ramp as I silently ask myself, “do I really want to ride this rollercoaster?” Nonetheless, with no inkling for backing out, I’m fully committed to whatever the ride entails.

My “bravery” is usually emboldened by having one of my “thrill-seeking” daughters or grandchildren beside me to “enjoy” the ride. It always helps to have a cohort sitting beside you to share the thrill of the ride and the combined accomplishment at the end. Making great memories because “We did it!!”

Taking another perspective, I believe “life” has similar aspects of a wild rollercoaster ride too. Like a rollercoaster ride, life is chock full of ups and downs, twists and turns. The gravitational Positive-G forces that squash you and the Negative-G forces that make you float on air. And there’s also the Lateral-G forces that try to force you “off the rails” of life all together. We just have to hang on for dear life sometimes.

Life is great when we get those feelings of elation every time we experience the peaks and triumphs in life. Life just can’t get any better. Life is so grand during those heights of achievement, e.g., when you hit the 3-pointer at the buzzer to win the basketball championship. We experience more joy at the birth of your first child, or receiving the “acceptance letter”, or walking across the stage to receive your diploma are all on that list of “highs” in life. Other pinnacles of achievement could be walking down the aisle with the “love of your life” after saying your marriage vows, or finally receiving the “gold watch” at your retirement ceremony for many years of a “Job Well Done”.

I could go on, but just like the peaks in life, there are also valleys along the ride of life representing the low points too. Regrettably, what goes up must come down. We experience the low sides too from the disappointments, failures, or disasters of life along the ride. Here are a few examples. The field goal attempt you kicked to win the game at the last second got blocked. The second miscarriage you had in one year when you’re trying your hardest to have a baby. The “regret to inform you” letter you receive, turning you down for admission to college, medical school, trade school, or for a home mortgage loan. And what about the closing of your business last year that you worked so hard and invested so much time and your life savings in it, just to watch it fail. Even worse, the destruction of your home by flood or a wind-swept forest fire or the diagnosis of a terminal illness you never saw coming?

These are all just some fictional (or maybe not so fictional) examples of events that so many of us have experienced along the rollercoaster of life. Being strapped in the rail car of life, we have no choice but to endure the ride of our lives everyday. The twists and turns, ups and downs, accelerations and quick stops until the end once the ride is over.

And with whom can we share this wonderful rollercoaster of life? Do you think Jesus enjoys the thrill of a rollercoaster ride? I do. And take a guess who it is right beside you every moment of your rollercoaster ride of life? Yes, Jesus.

He is with you for every peak and valley, and all the emotional twists and turns in between. He told His disciples that He would always be with us until the end of the age. That’s why I believe Jesus loves rollercoaster rides. He’s right beside us as our constant companion as we take the windy, jerky, rollercoaster journey through life.

Jesus said that following Him would not be a smooth and easy experience, but He did promise that He would never forsake us or abandon us in our journey. He’s always there to share the achievements, joys, and triumphs, as well as the disappointment, hurts, despair, and defeats everyday until He brings us to His home in heaven. In His home we can enjoy the peace, love, and tranquility of His kingdom for all eternity.

So don’t be afraid of life’s rollercoaster ride. With a strong faith, take a seat in the front car as you anticipate the initial rush of the free fall; throw up your arms and hands with confidence that Jesus is buckled in right beside you to help you through the ride of life. Let out shouts of praise and thanksgiving. Live life to the fullest knowing that you are a child of God. Let go and let God do His work. Enjoy the ride!!

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Live, Learn and Grow in Jesus!!

