Pass or Fail – How Do You Measure Up?

Do you enjoy taking tests or exams that have a “pass/fail” outcome? No grading on the curve, no grade, i.e., A+ or C- for your effort, just a flat, in your face, “Pass or Fail”. I venture to say that most of us do not enjoy such tortures in life. I’ve had several and I’m sure you have too.

Now that this school year has come to a close, all of the final exams have been administered and grades have been assigned, students of all ranks and schools have now experienced the outcomes. Regardless of the type of school or training we each experience in our life’s journey, the question is always present when the courses come to an end, we all ponder the age-old question – “Did I pass or did I fail?” The results will have a tremendous impact on your life’s journey.

There is a wise statement that someone made long ago, who that was I don’t know, but the phrase has been passed along to every generation. It goes something like this – “Failures are part of life. If you don’t ever fail, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn, you will never change.” In some circumstances, those of the life and death category, we like to believe that “failure is NOT an option.” Therefore, one MUST succeed (pass the test) to keep on living both physically and spiritually.

When it comes to our lives and relationships with God regarding the final results of our life being judged by the Lord, each one of us will have the same question – did I pass or did I fail? In that instant of leaving this life and crossing over, we will know pretty quickly. The results will be in and it will be too late to change the outcome. However, I believe that if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not experience failure. Jesus will be there to welcome you into God’s kingdom.

So before we make that crossover, what can you and I do to best ensure a positive outcome for our lives. After all, I believe we all want to make the same statement – “Failure is NOT an option” when it comes to your next life when your spirit crosses over. We all want to pass that test, right? So how do we ensure we will pass that ultimate test of life?

If you haven’t already done so, accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then start getting closer to God and seek His guidance for the path of your life. Look deep inside. If your life seems unsteady or going in the wrong direction, stop and ask God to show you the way. Trust Him to guide you and surrender to His will for your life. Be patient and humble; keep your eyes and ears open to see how God is working in your life through others. We can rest assured that when failures occur in life, we can still learn from them by asking God to show us what He wants us to learn from the experience and then press on with our life in a new direction. Rest on His promises that He will be with you through it all, no matter what, to show you the way ahead.

Live, Love, and Grow in Jesus!!

