Politics – The Great Divider

Defining Politics

In the course of human events, without question, politics has played a powerful role in shaping the world in which we live. From ancient times all the way to today, where more than two people are gathered, politics has a played role in their lives. Choosing a side; right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, man vs. woman, Republican vs. Democrat, Christian vs. Jew, rich vs. poor, white vs. black, pro-gun vs. anti-gun, pro-abortion vs. anti-abortion, the list goes on and on. Politics pushes everyone to pick a side for the issue at hand. And trust me, if you are on the fence, one of the sides will choose your side for you. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.” Silence therefore means acceptance.

With so much emphasis on politics this year, perhaps it is appropriate to define the real meaning of politics. In ancient times, the Greek philosopher Aristotle defined “politics” as …”the things concerning the polis or city/state.” So in a very basic explanation, politics is primarily focused on the what’s, how’s and why’s of governing the citizens or people of a specific locale or region. In another sense though, “politics” at every level of human existence involves how to influence people to make choices. And we all know that choices have lasting consequences.

Forcing Politics on Jesus

Even though Jesus tried to remain apolitical in dealing with the Jewish political leaders, the New Testament passages in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all describe one event in which Jesus dealt with politics.  It was when the Pharisees tried to trap Him in making a choice regarding the requirement for paying taxes to the Roman state. The politically inspired leaders of the Jewish people were playing “politics” with Jesus by hoping He would choose a side which would produce a hypocritical conflict with His teaching. But Jesus outsmarted them and did not take the political bait, but instead, Jesus said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s”. He therefore acknowledged that both Caesar and God are entitled to their due payments. Jesus stayed above the political fray the Jews were trying to drag Him into to keep him in a box they could control.

Power and Control

The underlying element of politics is having the POWER to CONTROL. Politics has never been about unifying the people. In fact, what would you think if a political candidate expressed the following during one of his/her stump speeches? – “My candidacy is about dividing, not unifying the people!!” “Vote for me so I can have all the power to control you!!” Wouldn’t most people believe those statements were absurd to the point of political suicide for the candidate?  No one wants to have someone govern by dividing the people and exerting powerful control over them, would they?

Let’s face the music here. Human politics IS the great divider that separates the “haves” from the “have-nots” in order to control the livelihoods and destinies of the “have-nots” of this world. Politics has never been about “unifying” anything in the course of human existence. The thrust of politics is for one person or group of people to persuade the majority of people to give them control over the minority. The person or cause with the most votes wins and everyone else is forced to follow suit. Winner take ALL; that’s the underlying, unspoken agreement.

Even the great “America Experiment” of democracy has this aspect of politics as its central element. Majority rules, right? And over the past 244 years, the “majority” swings from one extreme to another like that of a pendulum. The minority has to endure the power and control of the majority until they are no longer the majority. This has been the plight of the American experiment and the other countries of the world that have also adopted democratic principles of governing.

Peace vs. Conflict

I believe it’s politics where Satan and his evil ways flourish in the human experience. Satan relishes in the conflict and division that politics produces amongst all organized sets of people. Greediness for power and control is an unquenchable thirst for many people. For as long as human beings have been semi-organized into groups by location, race, ethnicity, language, beliefs, or cultural practices, politics has been present. And with politics, comes a fierce division between two or more groups of people. Peace cannot exist where conflict runs rampant and unchecked. Satan’s fanning the fires of conflict ensures the people remain focused on their selfish desires and not on God’s desires for the individual.

At least for this year, my eyewitness testimony is that conflict has far exceeded peace as a by-product of politics. Dan Balz’s article “Politics is the great divider in the United States” (The Washington Post, June 4, 2012), describes the deep political polarization of the United States for that election year. His report on the Pew Research Center’s investigation over the past 25 years, …”paints a particularly stark portrait of a nation in which the most significant divisions are no longer based on race, class or sex but on political identity.” It’s a world of Conservative vs. Liberal; Republican vs. Democrat.  Mr. Balz goes on further to say, “Partisanship has grown dramatically and shows no sign of abating in the near future.”  That was eight years ago. Partisanship has gotten much worse since then.

Divided, Not United

By any stretch of the imagination, this 2020-Year of the “Perfect Storm” has been one of the most divisive, polarizing and conflict-producing years than most of us have ever witnessed over the past 60+ years. And the general election is only a portion of the political agendas being imposed across nearly every aspect of our lives and livelihoods. Partisanship has increased even more since 2012 and is running amok in nearly every corner of the Nation. Even after this year’s election results are tallied, it’s uncertain that any level of peace will be attainable regardless of who wins elected office. The same assessment applies to even after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, the protests for justice and equality end, hurricanes cease and the massive wildfires are extinguished. Overall peace may still be wishful thinking for most people.

Uniting with God

Despite the extreme polarization of our Nation, we Christians have the opportunity to reflect the unifying peace of God by making the one choice, the most important choice of our lives, by choosing God. In choosing God, we can help produce a unifying peace by staying above the political fray.

We can achieve a victory for peace by coming together, putting our differences aside, focusing on other’s needs, not ourselves, and complying with God’s commands. We can choose to show how to live in peace with God as the Great Unifier by giving examples in our daily lives through encounters and exchanges with others. We can share our love for God with others, being kind and helpful, forgiving and understanding, listening versus debating every opinion.

Our mission as believers lies not in changing the nation through political reform, but in changing the hearts and minds of mankind through sharing the Word of God. Acknowledging that God has the power and control, not we humans, is a first step on the road to true unification and peace in God’s kingdom.

Focusing on God’s ways and trusting His truth and purposes helps to produce peace for the heart, mind and soul. God’s ways are unifying, not dividing. God has all the power and control of our human existence. He loves all of us, but God doesn’t play politics to meet His agenda. His agenda is for all people to truly believe in Him and live in service to Him and our fellow human beings so that the end result is we receive eternal salvation and our spirits enjoy eternal life in heaven.

Live, Learn and Grow in Jesus!

