Publication Release – “America’s Other Pandemic”

I’m sorry that it’s been several weeks since I last posted to my blog.  For those inquisitive folks, I’ve been quite busy completing the process for publishing my first non-fiction book, “America’s Other Pandemic: A Christian’s Perspective on the Decaying of America’s Moral Foundation”.  I am very happy to announce that my book was released last week to Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and many other fine retail booksellers.  My self-publishing company, Palmetto Publishing of Charleston, SC did a fantastic job bringing all of the many moving parts together in support of this release.  I can’t thank them enough for their top-notch professional work and personal touches in guiding me to the finish line.  Now the real work begins!!

The official Press Release will be forthcoming in a few days, along with setting up my website to continue supporting the marketing and blog entries in response to those who want to follow the activities surrounding the book’s exposure to the literary world.  Needless to say, I’ve been very humbled by the entire writing and publication experience.  I give all glory to God for enabling me to bring my interpretation of His inspirations shared with me, to now be shared with the world.  Lord knows the world is in need of some divine guidance right now as we all try to move beyond the aftermath of the cataclysmic events of 2020 and 2021 that have shaken me and many of you to the core of our human existence.

My book presents a thought-provoking conversation on the cultural, social, spiritual, political, and racial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the unprecedented events of 2020 and 2021 have exacerbated the moral decline in American society.  There is a war underway for the soul of America, precipitated by the relentless attacks to the fundamental principles and values of American democracy for which our great country was founded.  My assessment from doing research for this book is that today’s cultural climate no longer represents the ideals our Founding Fathers used in creating the great American experiment – democracy.  My intent is to encourage readers to take an internal self-guided examination of conscience through the questions posed and relevant Biblical passages offered in each chapter.

I want to reaffirm America’s founding moral principles and fundamental values, along with God’s perspective, in order to transform how American’s interact with one another, to be more accepting of those not like us, and enkindle a new outlook for a diverse America in which all Americans feel safe to live, work, play, and worship.  It won’t be easy, but I believe this transformation will have to begin in the heart of every American to make it work and to preserve the integrity of American democracy for our generation and generations to come.  I’m confident that God will help us in this effort to save America.  I hope you will join me in spreading the word for the righteous American men and women to engage in this worthwhile fight for America’s soul.  I look forward to receiving your feedback from reading my book.

As always, I wish you God’s blessings.

Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus!!
