“Take Up Your Cross”

Have you ever deeply contemplated the meaning behind what Jesus said in Matthew 16: 24, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”?  Do you believe the “take up your cross” aspect is still relevant today?  I mean, really, who goes around carrying a cross on their shoulders nowadays? Back 2,000 years ago, when Jesus was walking around Judea, the “taking up your cross” had a very significant meaning to everyone under oppressive Roman occupation.  In those times, only condemned people were forced to carry a large beam of wood (cross beam) on their shoulders as they made their way to execution by crucifixion.

Nevertheless, in a way, I believe His statement is still relevant today, but in a much different way. “Taking up our cross daily” in today’s world means embracing the struggles and enduring the sufferings that accompany our walk with Christ. We must be prepared to give up our lives for the gospel. We must be willing to surrender our own will and desires to the will of God. Paul describes it in Acts 20:24: …making God’s goal, your goal, despite the cost, because His goal is much more important in your life.

I believe the message is also relevant today because Jesus was using this image of those days to encourage His disciples to stay focused on how they were conducting themselves as they were making their way through life on this side of heaven.  I had a pastor tell the congregation once, “We are not in the land of the living, heading to the land of the dying. We are in the land of the dying, heading to the land of the living.” Great image here.

What would you do if your doctor told you that you had only a couple months to live?  Remember that Tim McGraw single, “Live Like You Were Dying” (2004), “…And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, and gave forgiveness I’d been denying…”? Would that news change your perspective on how you were conducting your way of living? Would that cause you to look back on your life, identify any sins you committed, seek forgiveness where you could, and repent, i.e., change your ways before the end comes? Would you stop your old ways and turn to follow Jesus? If you had not already accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, would you change your perspective and your heart to accept Him and seek forgiveness?

I believe the important point that Jesus is sharing with his disciples in Matthew’s passage above, is that every person that wants or hopes to share eternal life with Him, must put aside his/her own human desires of this world, and focus on God’s will.  Jesus said, “Those who lose their life for my sake, will find it. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  Surrendering your life (losing it) by following Jesus means you will ultimately save your life for all eternity in heaven by doing His will. The key here is will you trust Jesus enough to surrender your life to Him.

The bottom line in Jesus’ statement is that He wants everyone to stay focused on Him and seek understanding of God’s will for our lives daily, as if each day is the last day of your life on earth.  No vacations from this task.  It’s vital to your eternal salvation.  Neither you nor I can afford to get distracted from this righteous path that Jesus wants us to follow, whether the path is short or long, Jesus wants you and me to stay on His path.

Forget about striving for the awards, promotions, the pay raises, the newer car, the bigger house, and every other want/desire of this world and refocus on what you believe God wants you to do to serve Him.  Our true home is not in this world. We are only temporary inhabitants here.  Therefore, our focus should be on heavenly desires, i.e., giving our life to following Jesus. Our heavenly home is for all eternity where are spirits will live on forever.

Stay ready. Stay faithful. Stay focused. God will guide you in accordance with what He wants to do with your life if you will just trust Him.  Rest assured He will never forsake you or abandon you because He loves you.  So “take up your cross” every day and follow Jesus to the “Promised Land”.

Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus!!

