Most of us have experienced a few thunderstorms over the course of our lives. I’ve always been fascinated by these weather phenomena over the years. In hindsight, I guess I should have studied to be a certified meteorologist rather than a backyard weather forecaster, but that’s life, right?
In taking the time to better understand the thunderstorm experience, I’ve determined there are three main elements to the storm; just like every story, there is a beginning, middle, and the end. In the beginning, the forces of nature begin collecting the moisture in the clouds as they build into an ominous height and spread a foreboding darkness over the area. Then comes the middle when the storm unleashes its fury on the land with high wind gusts, deafening thunderclaps, lightening, and pelting rain. If you haven’t found shelter or donned your raincoat and hat, you’re going to get soaked for sure. And finally, comes the end of the storm. The wind subsides, the rains turn to sprinkles, and if you’re lucky, a beautiful rainbow appears in the sky to remind you of God’s promise and His majesty.
Just like thunderstorms, the storms of life are like every story too. Each storm of life story has a beginning, middle, and an end. What about you? Where are you in your storms of life story?
Are you in the beginning where you see and feel the foreboding forces of life building into a crescendo to wreak havoc in your personal, physical, emotional, or spiritual life? Will you be able to escape the wrath or will you have to tackle it head on?
Are you caught up in the middle of the storm story with everything spinning around you like being caught inside a tornado? You’re being whipped around, bouncing off one object, a person or event after another like a pinball out of control, rolling around, and looking for a safe haven from the ensuing storm of life. Where will this storm of life carry you? Where will you be after this storm is over? Will you survive, will the storm change you, who will you be once this storm passes?
Or has your personal storm story of life come to an end and you are in the recovery stage? You check yourself out, look around, pick up the pieces, and start looking for that rainbow that tells you everything is going to be okay. What will your next steps be?
Regardless of where you are in these storm scenarios of life, I believe there is one simple epilogue that has already been written for all of us. For you see the epilogue of our three-part story of the storms of life is this, as captured in Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”
The Bible passage is telling us that we can always find refuge and protection from the storms of life by relying on God to help us. You can stop trying to solve all your problems, resolve all your uncomfortable circumstances, and overcome your insurmountable challenges all by yourself. Let Go and Let God.
Trust me, once you let go of the wheel, the rainbow will start coming into focus. Keep calm, stay confident, and carry on. God will help you with the rest. Just remember that not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come into your life to clear a path for a better way forward.
Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus.