The Year of 20/20 Vision

Achieving Perfect Vision

Last week I had my annual eye exam and was pleasantly thrilled when the optometrist relayed that I have 20/20 vision. No corrective lenses (glasses) needed; not even reading glasses. In layman’s terms, it means that I have “perfect” vision. I can see everything, far away, or up close, very clearly.

I must confess though, this feat was not achieved by me maintaining my youthfulness in the eye, but rather through the experience of cataract surgery a couple years ago. The previous perfect eyesight from my youth was restored when the surgeon replaced my “God-given” lenses, which had been overgrown with cataracts, with man-made multi-focus lenses.   Anyone who has gone through this process can attest to how wonderful it is to see very clearly again, especially without glasses.

The Year of Perfect Vision

The experience of the eye exam this week got me thinking about this year, 2020. I started thinking, is there a connection with the numbers attesting to the calendar year, 2020 A.D. and the optometrist’s designation of 20/20 being that of perfect or optimal vision? The removal of the “scales” of the cataract growths and replacement with new lenses to produce clearer sight also resonated with me in the story of Paul in the Bible and the unprecedented events transpiring this year.

Have you had similar thoughts? Where are you regarding your vision of what the year 2020 is becoming? Is it symbolic that some significant enlightenment is occurring this year or is it just a coincidence? I’ve learned more times over that there are NO coincidences with God. The unprecedented events of this year have purpose. But to what purpose is the real question.

Like most everyone else, on January 1, 2020, I had no idea how tumultuous this year was going to be for the entire world, much less my own personal world. The global impacts of the events to date have been totally unparalleled in my lifetime as well as yours. So what is your take on the significance of this year and all of the revelations coming forth? Allow me to share some of my observations and perspectives with you.

The Year of the Perfect Storm

Some people have called this the year of the “perfect storm”. In one sense, they may be right. It may be the year the confluence of all the sinfulness and evil we’ve been witnessing comes out into the open for everyone to see.   I’m just as confused about the events of this year as most everyone else. What to believe and who to believe remain questionable nearly every day. What is the source of real truth? No one knows.

However, there is one truth that cannot be denied. This plague identified the true helpers/heroes for those in need. We quickly learned who we could count on to help us during the days of isolation and despair. Everyday people became the daily heroes. They improvised, adapted and overcame what were seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The Scales Are Falling Off

Remembering how God transformed Saul as captured in Acts 9:17-18, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here – has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes and he could see again.” Paul could see clearly now the error of his ways.

As a Pharisee in the Jewish religion, Saul believed he was zealously doing the right thing in accordance with Jewish law by rounding up and persecuting those who defied the Jewish faith and were becoming disciples of Jesus as early Christians. He, along with other Jewish leaders of their society, turned a blind eye and deaf ear to what Jesus had preached about salvation until that fateful day when Saul was traveling to Damascus.

It took God’s dramatic action to change Saul’s ways and enlighten him that his ways were against God’s will. Saul saw the light of Jesus and became Paul, the Apostle, when the scales fell off his eyes. It took Saul being blinded and then having his sight restored before he realized what he was doing was wrong from God’s perspective. God intervened to change Paul’s heart and thus began the transformation of the world.

Is this perhaps the year where God is intervening again for each of us by removing the “scales” from our eyes to more clearly see our wrongdoing from God’s perspective? Perhaps God is using the shocking events of this year as a catalyst for transformation of the world again.

With the blinders on, everything seemed to be going smoothly in our worlds and our interpersonal actions until about February 2020 when the pandemic struck America a severe blow. Then just a few months later, the killing of African Americans prompted the protests, riots, looting, and destruction in many cities. The blinders are off now and the scales removed. It appears that nothing that was, will ever be the same again. Perhaps that is the point to these impactful events.

Do you think God is giving us an unprecedented opportunity to more clearly see and acknowledge what we are doing to our fellow Americans and get us to change our focus to how He wants us to treat others?  Will you put your trust in God to guide you in making the right choices for change?

Change is Hard, But Beneficial

I fully recognize that change is hard. Most people do not like to change their ways or habits or schedules. It makes me uncomfortable at times too, but change usually helps me become a better person. I give most of that credit to my wife and three daughters for helping transform my life to the better. Big changes are happening all around us now and are impacting the way we live and interact with others. I’m hoping these impacts will produce positive changes.

I’m also encouraged to witness that many Americans realize the need for change and are willing to participate, even when it’s uncomfortable, in making America better for all who live here. To me All Lives Matter in America. From the “yet to be born” lives, the children, teens, young adults, to our senior citizens, regardless of the color of their skin, ethnicity, religious denomination, or political persuasions, All Lives Matter in God’s eyes because He created each one of us. Life is precious and priceless.

I Can See Clearly Now

From my perspective, I believe God is using this year, 2020, to give us insight as to what this world really looks like when the scales are removed from our eyes and light is shed to reveal the dark ugliness of this world’s activities that have continued to prevail and be perpetuated for hundreds of years. I believe God is enabling His light to be shed on the darkness of sin and evil in this world so we can clearly see and address it. God is Light and where light is, darkness cannot exist.

I believe God is giving the USA a chance to acknowledge our past sinfulness, hold ourselves accountable, admit our flaws, confess, repent, and be redeemed by God’s love and mercy. Isn’t it true that “confession is good for the soul”? Perhaps now is the time for confession and transformation.

One thing is for certain. Whatever choices we make in addressing these issues and our behaviors will determine the path America and this world will take for the coming years of this new decade. This Nation was conceived, built and sustained by those wanting and hoping for a new life of liberty, justice and freedom. America has an opportunity to change for the better. Perhaps we can take to heart what Jesus said, “Love one another and forgive one another, as God loves and forgives you”.

Prayers for Enlightenment

I pray that 2020 will become the year of true, perfect “20/20” vision for us all, our families, our Nation and the World.

I pray that we will put our trust, faith and hope in God, and not in ourselves, for making the needed changes that will transform our world.

I am praying harder than ever before that God will shed His light on us all, enlighten us to His will, and bless us with wisdom, understanding and discernment for making America and the world a better place to live for everyone.

Live, Learn, and Grow in Jesus!!

