Have you ever considered that all the light produced in our solar system comes from only one source – the sun? The night light from the moon, planets and stars is a reflection of the sun’s light. These other heavenly bodies have no capability to produce the light, they merely reflect the light that strikes their surface.
My devotional reading in the Bible this morning focused on Genesis and how God created our world. It also spoke of how God created “man” (human beings) in His image and likeness. Are we not therefore a “reflection” of who God is?
As Jesus said, “we love others because God first loved us” (1 John 4:19). We receive and feel the love of God for us, which enables us to reflect God’s love on others in our circle of life. Jesus is the “light of the world” and He shares that light with all who believe in Him. When we believe in Jesus there is no more darkness in our lives, but only the light, warmth and love emanating from the single source of light, life and love in the universe – God.
I pray that each of us will continue to “reflect” the light and love of God with everyone in our world.
“…what the world needs now, is love, sweet love…”